Top 12 White Hat SEO Techniques For Link Building in 2024

White Hat SEO Techniques For Link Building

If you have been looking for White Hat SEO Techniques For Link Building, then you have come to the right place!

Link building is very crucial for SEO because without high-quality backlinks, it would be very difficult to generate organic traffic.

Hence, for the benefit of all our readers we have put this piece together to enlist the 21 different white hat ways for building backlinks.

With the help of these strategies you will be able to create a deeper connection with your prospects and become more relevant.

1. Internal Linking

Often overlooked by a lot of people, this way is equally effective and is used by many website owners.

The biggest advantage of internal linking is that you have complete control over it.

If and when you indulge in internal linking, you will be able to easily transfer link juice between your pages and that will help Google in crawling your site a lot faster.

If your site runs on WordPress, you can use the Link Whisper plugin to easily create backlinks for your page.

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2. Ask for Credit

If you run an SEO agency or a freelancer, you can always ask for credit from your clients and partners.

You should look for the best time and opportunity to ask your clients and partners for credit and if you strategically time your move to a nicety, there are high chances that your request will be accepted.

To make life easy for all parties concerned, you can put a link on their site.

3. Directories

You can submit your site to directories that are relevant to your industry and to your niche within your industry.

You can reach out to blogger directories and local business directories for link building opportunities.

You however need to be cautious of some directories as they are ridden with low-profile links that can be detrimental for your business.

Then there are some premium directories which might ask you to pay to list your site on their site.

There’s no problem in going ahead with such an understanding with the only problem being that sometimes it can get difficult to understand which sites are worth your money and which sites aren’t.

Read Also: Maximizing Your SEO Success with Guest Post Link Building

4. Web Design Galleries

If your website has unique and innovative designs, then you can approach web design galleries and directories to facilitate your links on their platform.

Don’t take such galleries lightly, as you can get a lot of traffic from them.

You can use a service like CSS Gallery list and submit your site to most of the web design galleries for as less as $50.

5. Guest Blogging

Guest blogging is one of the most effective white hat ways to build backlinks.

You just need to approach popular bloggers with an interesting idea and see their response to it.

On most occasions, if you have an interesting idea that can add value to their platform, your request will surely be accepted.

Over time you can build a lot of relationships in your industry which will provide you a lot of guest posting opportunities.

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6. Participate in Round-Ups

One of the best white hat ways of getting links is by establishing credibility in your field, niche or area of expertise.

You can do so by participating in roundups and actively making your presence felt in such roundups.

You must have some idea about your niche to participate in such roundups and make your presence felt in them.

If and when you do so successfully, you can potentially earn backlinks from a lot of different ways.

7. Get Backlinks of Your Competitors

If your competitors have better rankings than you on SERPs, then chances are that they might be doing link building, a lot better than you.

There are many tools that you can use to find out all the backlinks of your competitors.

By analyzing the backlinks of your competition, you will find a lot of link building opportunities.

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8. Create Video Tutorials

If and when you share video tutorials branded with your blog’s name along with a link back to your blog, you have very high chances of bringing people back to your site.

Such types of videos continue to bring traffic long after you have stopped promoting them. For internet marketing, you may check out forums like Warrior Forum and the Black Hat Forum.

This technique is highly effective and you are advised to make full use of this technique, if you haven’t already done so.

9. Offer Content Upgrades

In this tactic you can offer content upgrades to other sides in the form of eBooks, reports and infographics.

This method is more effective and a lot more scalable than guest posting.

This method works because you will be providing some value to the site you’re pitching ideas to.

Valuable and informative content written by you can be made into an eBook and offered as an exclusive resource to a relevant site.

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10. Writing Testimonials

This is another very effective way of getting backlinks which is unfortunately not used by a lot of people.

You can write testimonials and reviews for the products and services you have used.

If and when you paint the company behind the product or service in a favorable light in your testimonials, they will surely facilitate your testimonial on their website, which will, on most occasions, be linked back to you, through a link.

11. Answer Questions

This is another great white hat way of earning high-quality backlinks.

There are many question and answer sites on the internet, like Quora and Yahoo Answers, where you can get active.

Quora has more than 300 million monthly active users, and if and when you get active on Quora, you will be able to bring traffic to your site and will also be able to establish your credibility as a thought leader in your niche, area of expertise, business vertical.

There are questions on everything under the sun on Quora and you can provide valuable answers on questions related to your niche, and include links to your website in your answers.

12. Broken Link Building

Considered as one of the easiest and effective link building strategies of all time, you need to try out broken link building for backlinks, if you haven’t already done so.

This method works like absolute magic because you’re providing value to the website owner or blog owner by notifying them about the broken links. Not only that, you’re also offering them a good replacement for the broken link.

To begin with this method, you just need to download a free Google chrome extension called Check My Links.

Check the internet for broken links and if and when you find them, notify the website owner and that’s it.

You need to find relevant pages and resource pages for a lot of outbound links.

Also make sure to find such pages in your niche because then you will have something relevant to offer to the website or blog owner, in case of a broken link.

 Wrapping Up

There you go. Those were the 12 white hat ways that you can use to find new opportunities and earn high-quality white backlinks. For a better outcome of your link building campaigns, you also need to work with the right kind of tools.

If you don’t have the time to run link building campaigns on your own, then you can hire a digital marketing agency and an offshore digital marketing agency for the same purpose. You can also consider reseller digital marketing services of a white label digital marketing agency.

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