SMS Tracker App: Protect Company Confidential Data

SMS Tracker App: Protect Company Confidential Data

Introduction SMS Tracker App

There has been this incident in our organization that particularly shook the whole company. Some of the employees received a message that was apparently from their direct boss. In the message, the boss asked about sensitive information regarding ongoing projects. Thinking that it was a message from the boss the employee shared the whole detail with the so-called boss in a text message. It was a scam and the message was not from the direct team leader. But at the time it was revealed things were already out of hand. The IT company worked day and night after the incident for the last two weeks. The safety of some of the devices got compromised and some pretty important data got shared with outsiders through these SMS scams.

Once the company finished dealing with the aftermath the higher authorities asked for a permanent solution. It was right of them to ask as this kind of situation can particularly mess up many big projects badly. Moreover, the company’s reputation was at stake as well. They talked about the use of employee monitoring software and spy apps as solutions. It was a tough call but as harsh as it sound employee thought of it as an invasion of privacy. But the company did a good job of clearing all the myths and misunderstandings. Though it was not their duty still like a good company that takes care of the employee sentiment and emotions they told us about the terms and conditions and many things that any employee needs to know.

In short use of features like the SMS tracker app, screen monitoring, email monitoring, call recording and more may seem like something against the employees but they are not. These kinds of features in fact can work in the favour of both employees and employers. One of the apps named OgyMogy offers many features that can be used to protect company confidential data with ease. Here are some of the ways you can smartly use the app in your business or workplace.

Monitor Conscious and unconscious Moves:

When it comes to data sharing there can be clear conscious acts and there is always a chance of an unconscious move. For example, turned out one of the interns left his laptop unattended in a public place right before the cyber attack. Though according to them there was nothing different but turned out that the device was used as the base of the attack. Thus it is important to make sure every activity of each employee is under the radar and saved. OgyMogy is a cloud-based app. Every employee activity is saved on the online web portal of the app.

SMS tracker app for texting and IM monitoring:

It is a common trend and employees especially young employees to discuss important official matters through text. Though there is nothing wrong with such practice still it leaves room for data sharing through screenshots and other modes. OgyMogy offers an SMS tracker app feature that allows the user to read all the recovered text messages of the employee. One can even monitor the instant messenger chat apps as well through the help of this app. In short, all text-related correspondence can be tracked with the date and time in information thanks to the SMS tracker app feature of OgyMogy.

Keep a Check on the Online Correspondence:

For online correspondence monitoring OgyMogy spy app offers a track internet browsing history feature and access to the book feature.

Listen to Audio and video calls:

Confidential data can be shared through phone calls and audio recordings. As everyone has a smartphone it has been easy to share any sort of confidential data in the form of a studio message or call. Use the call log feature to know about the phone book activity.

Crack the Photo Gallery:

If any employee tries to share the data in the form of videos then the OgyMogy spy app can notify the user about it on time. With the OgyMogy spy app, a user has access to the photo gallery of the target employee gadget.

Similarly, as far as work-life is concerned different employees use different tools thus it is necessary for the employers to keep a check on every one of them.

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